The original U.S. version of this quiz show aired on ABC from August 16, 1999 to June 27, 2002, and was hosted by Regis Philbin. It is currently in its 13th season. The contestants have to answer a series of questions correctly to progress to the ultimate Million-Dollar Question. The way to become a millionaire without a quiz show is outlined in the below referenced Kiplinger article.

Here are the basic rules:

  • Spend less than you make
  • Educate yourself
  • Choose the right field of employment for earning potential
  • Save and invest early
  • Don’t go for the BIG wins – keep it simple
  • Transfer risks you cannot afford – insurance
  • Be wise about windfalls
  • Hang on to autos and houses
  • Avoid debt you cannot payoff

That’s quite a list to accomplish in a short period of time. Each person and family has unique characteristics that dictate the importance of each rule. A great start is to select the top five items and prioritize them. Then contact us for an initial financial planning meeting where together we can formulate an implementation plan to becoming a millionaire!


Wealth-building secrets of the millionaire next door
Kiplinger By The editors of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
July 24, 2014 10:30 AM