Our Services

Whether your needs include retirement or tax planning, long-term care needs, or estate and legacy planning, we’re here to help.



Tax Strategy


Lifetime Income





Wealth Protection


How well prepared are you and your portfolio for retirement?

In your 40s and 50s, it’s crucial to evaluate your readiness to cover daily retirement expenses and additional things like travel and family time. You work hard to fund savings, investments, employer-provided plans, and long-term care policies. It’s important to protect these assets from losses, taxes, and inflation.

At Hampton Financial Services your goals and objectives are our highest priority. Our team helps you navigate the strategies available to you for a comfortable retirement.  We consider several things when looking at your options, including:

  • Retirement needs
  • Expected retirement age
  • Tax planning
  • Current debt picture
  • Catch-up provisions
  • Social Security
  • Legacy goals

Retired Individuals

Retired individuals benefit immensely from partnering with professionals like us. As a fiduciary, we have the responsibility to make your goals and objectives our highest priority when managing  your financial future.

Retirement is a significant milestone, and ensuring your financial security during this phase of life is critical.

Working with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) offers retired individuals many benefits:

  • Personalized financial planning
  • Investment management
  • Tax efficiency planning
  • Estate planning
  • Legacy planning
  • Long-term care planning
  • Ongoing support
  • Our guidance will help you handle the complicated details of prioritizing tasks and implementing your plan. 
Two smiling businesswomen shaking hands in agreement during a successful office meeting, with a laptop on the table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the 4% retirement withdrawal rule viable?

No, the 4% rule assumes a total investment in a ratio of stocks and bonds. This ignores the dynamics of the market, changing economic environments and interest rates. The withdraw 4% rule could cause reduced income or running out of money. A better solution is to have a variety of “buckets” other than stocks and bonds from which income can be drawn. An Ernst & Young study researched this issue and found a combination of “alternative investments” that provides a higher probability of success, guarantees lifetime income and reduces taxes.

What are the four (4) main risks in retirement planning?
  • Market volatility – possible losses
  • Taxes – possibly higher in the future
  • Interest rates – impact of inflation on future lifestyle costs
  • Longevity – run out of money & illnesses

A retirement plan based on your goals and objectives will include a mix of investment solutions to address each of these risks. These solutions can provide guaranteed no loss of principal, guaranteed lifetime income, tax-free growth, tax-free income, adjustments for inflation and long-term health care.

Does the 60% stocks / 40% bonds investment strategy still work for retirement planning?

Historically the 60/40 portfolio has been a popular asset allocation for retirees and those approaching retirement. The strategy has offered just enough exposure to equities to benefit from the growth of stocks, while bonds serve as a balance to reduce volatility.

However, in today’s market volatility, high national debt and inflation experts argue the strategy needs to be reevaluated. Ernst & Young researched this topic and determined that permanent life insurance (PLI) and deferred income annuities with increasing income potential (DIA with IIP) outperform investment-only (stocks and bonds) approaches.

Ernst & Young determined the ideal allocation is 30% PLI, 30% DIA with IIP and 40% investment-only. This ideal allocation offers legacy protection, tax-free income, tax-deferred savings growth, and guaranteed income for life.

How much should I save in my employers 401(k) plan?

Ideally, if you are able, save up to 20% of your income for retirement. Your employer’s 401(k) plan is a great investment vehicle IF THERE IS A MATCH.

Assuming there is a match, save up to that match amount and not a penny more. Why – typical 401(k) investment choices have market volatility, significant tax liabilities deferred into the future, and federal penalties if withdrawn before age 59 1/2. The remainder of your savings are allocated based on your goals and objectives. Alternative investments can guarantee future income you can’t outlive, tax-free growth, tax-free income, and tax-free legacy.

Is long-term health care insurance worth it?

Traditional long-term healthcare policies are not popular today. The industry has a history of increasing premiums and companies going out of business. As premiums increased buyers offset the costs by reducing the benefits – shorter term (not lifetime), lower daily payment, lower maximum lifetime payment.

The premium payments are similar to auto and homeowner insurance – payments are an expense with no cash value.

However, it is a good idea to transfer the financial risk of long-term health care -especially with memory issues that cost over $100,000/year and lasting 8 to 10 years ($800,000 to $1,000,000).

Alternative insurance company solutions can provide lifetime benefits, guaranteed to not increase premiums, guaranteed to not lower benefits, and if you don’t-use-it you-don’t-lose-it. One solution can be funded with pre-tax assets (IRA) and has a liquid cash value or tax-free benefit for your heirs.

What is the “Widow’s Penalty”?

“The Widow’s Penalty” results in higher taxes due to a combination of reduced deductions and higher tax brackets to the surviving spouse.

In retirement the main sources of income are Social Security, pensions, annuities, and investments. Typically, Social Security and pensions still provide income, however, at a reduced rate. Household expenses remain at a relatively high level. Federal income taxes are now calculated using the “Single” rate tables versus “Married Filing Jointly” (MFJ). For
example: with a taxable income of $80,000 the Single rate is 22% (versus 12% MFJ) and with a taxable income of $200,000 the Single rate is 32% (versus 24% MFJ).

There are various investment solutions that reduce the “Widow’s Penalty” by reallocating investments to tax-free income. These solutions include permanent life insurance and ROTH IRA’s transferred to deferred income annuities with  increasing income potential.

These solutions allow for reduced taxable income today and reduce the impact of the “Widow’s Penalty” in the future.